Friday, October 26, 2007

A passion for all that's goodTM

TheWife and I make a late night trip to the supermarket and discover
that Ralph's has "A passion for all that's good.TM" Gotta love when a
corporation TMs a sentence like that.

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Thursday, October 25, 2007

In Best Buy w/$10 to spend, but.

There's nothing I want!! Well, I'd like an iPod Classic, but 0 Best
Buy rewards certificate won't cover that :(

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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Holy crap! It's a Smart Car!

Just saw this from the bus. And we were just Uttering about this,
weren't we?

In other news, some ash just fell on my Sidekick's keyboard (from the

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Heading to the post office

Ah life in LA without a car. It's frakkin' hot out!

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900k+ Evacuated from SD

More news from Twitterer NateRitter:

Or the article he links to in his Twitter pictured above:

NateRitter's Twitter stream:

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I'd just like to give a big shout out and a friggin' MEDAL to Twitterererer NateRitter for doing the amazing job he's doing micro-blogging the San Diego fires. He's been providing seriously useful information all day today and yesterday, thus removing any need for me to use CNN to find out what's going on down there. If you're on Twitter, follow him at

This guy is a great example of how much better news can be done by "regular" folks.

Forgot to add a link to the Flickr pool of SD fire pics:

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Monday, October 22, 2007

Smart Car crash video

With all the chatter about the Smart Car in the Utterverz this morning I thought people might enjoy seeing what a high-speed crash looks like in one.

It's a little scary, but I still want one eventually.

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Sunday, October 21, 2007

Out of the Apartment!

I've been watching an anime series called "Welcome to the NHK". It's about a guy who is a jobless, college-drop out who spends days on end inside his apartment making up lies for himself and others so that he doesn't have to go out. The Japanese have a word for this kind of person: "hikikimori."

I think it's extra ironic that I started watching this show in the middle of a period in which my income is very spotty and all of it stems from work I do at home. I could go back to temping, but I don't. I hardly ever leave my apartment and until today I hadn't really cared. I think that show might be getting to me!

Anyway, so here's the picture of me and my creepy wife being creepy out on the town--Westwood, CA to be exact--a place we've lived for FAR too long and are far too bored of. But, we're both pretty broke, so here we stay... for now.

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Friday, October 19, 2007

Test Utter #2

OK, the last Utter posted properly--but will it post audio and a pic? (I'll test video next)

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Test Utter

This doesn't seem to be posting to my WP site-- ThePete.Com

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ThePete Utterz!

Hey there, just signed up for a cool new site called It's kind of like what used to do, only it allows you to post audio, video and text from your phone via a number or email. It's a pretty sweet set up. I'm sending this from their website but plan on testing out posting by phone later today (assuming I actually go out). So, now you can find me at on Utterz. Yeah, that URL's a little chunky, but ah well.

The attached audio file is just to prove I could do it--and to make me giggle.

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Utterz.Com Post

Hey there, just signed up for a cool new site called It's kind of like what used to do, only it allows you to post audio, video and text from your phone via a number or email. It's a pretty sweet set up. I'm sending this from their website but plan on testing out posting by phone later today (assuming I actually go out). So, now you can find me at on Utterz. Yeah, that URL's a little chunky, but ah well.

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Monday, October 15, 2007


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Sunday, January 7, 2007

Test post from my SK3!

Weeee! Another way to blog on the go!